Pay it Forward.
Buy a book for someone you don’t know….
Help inspire someone’s come back story. When you purchase a book at a discounted rate and pay it forward you are helping inspire change. We work with recovery centers locally and in multiple states, where Nate will be sharing his story and delivering the books.
25 Books = 1 Recovery Center
100 Books = 4 Recovery Centers
Have you ever given anyone $50-$100 to pay their bills? Maybe you’ve been on both sides before and the money didn’t solve your problem? It just put a band-aid on a bigger issue you had. The truth is we don’t need another hand out. We need to be taught, resourced, and inspired!
There are 19.7 million people in the US who are in Active Addiction. We work with multiple recovery centers and organizations that help people every day. Partner with us and let’s inspire change together.